The High Schools and Nonprofits We Work With

Our partners include the New Village Girls Academy in Los Angeles and the seven campuses for pregnant and parenting teens in the Los Angeles Unified School District. We've worked directly with these schools and have developed relationships with three other high schools for teen moms.

We've also been fortunate to receive support and guidance from teams at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, the USC Marshall School of Business and the USC TRIO Program. Among nonprofits and foundations, we've worked with the Riordan Foundation and recently established a relationship with the St. Anne's Maternity Home.

Finally, we've visited dozens of campuses throughout the state, including community colleges, private colleges, and Cal State and U.C. universities. On all of these campuses, we've worked closely with childcare centers to learn about their regulations and restrictions, and on a few campuses we've cut deals with deans for housing for our teen moms. We've been fortunate to work with some terrific organizations.